BRTF program staff addressed participants at an informational gathering in April. (L-R: Diana McGuigan George, program coordinator; Jackie Robertin, senior show director; Kim Rielly, Depot Theatre executive director; Gigi Mason, advisor; Cheri La Duke, junior show director.) Photo by Overtime Photo Booth
Westport, N.Y. – The Depot Theatre is pleased to announce that enrollment is open, and a date for auditions has been set for the Boquet River Theatre Festival (BRTF) 2018 program.
Auditions for both the junior and senior BRTF programs will be held on June 9 beginning at 9am at the Whallonsburg Grange Hall. Participants who enroll before or on June 9 can take advantage of the discounted registration fee of $185 per child. Regular registration is $200.
The 2018 BRTF Junior production, directed by Cheri La Duke, will be Willy Wonka, and rehearsals will start July 23 with performances August 10, 11, 12. The Senior production, directed by Jackie Robertin, will be determined after auditions, based on the number of cast members. Rehearsals for the senior program will start July 30 with performances August 17, 18, 19.
“The Depot Theatre has taken BRTF under its wing to ensure that this incredible program and tradition carries on for young actors in our area. I am excited to be involved with the next chapter of this program,” said Diana McGuigan George, Depot Theatre Outreach Coordinator. “I’m so looking forward to working with everyone involved, and particularly excited that Jackie Robertin and Cherie La Duke will continue on as Directors and that Gigi Mason will continue to add her immense talent and knowledge to the program again this summer.”
Diana McGuigan George will be happy to answer any questions regarding the 2018 BRTF program. For more information email her at brtf@depottheatre.org or call 518.962.8072. More information, downloadable Participant Guidelines and online registration is now available at www.depottheatre.org/outreach.
The Depot Theatre is a non-profit, professional theatre located in a historic, functioning 1876 train station in Westport, N.Y., and operates under an agreement with Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. In addition to its volunteer board of trustees, the theatre depends on the support and generosity of its loyal donors, volunteers and community members. Committed to promoting and providing exposure to the performing arts in the Adirondacks, the Depot Theatre invites all to “Take a journey without leaving the station.” The Depot Theatre’s 2018 Season, its 40th, is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. Additional support is provided by the Essex County Arts Council.